Frequently Asked Questions

Check most frequently asked questions here, if you still need help then please contact us


If you do not receive your product within the specified delivery times, you have the full right to a refund. The refund is made immediately.

If you haven't received your product on time, please contact us, and we will process the refund immediately.

Yes, you can return products within 14 days from the purchase date. The products must be in original/fully resalable condition with any labels intact (if applicable).

The cost to return any items is the responsibility of the buyer.

  • Europe: 4-7 days
  • United States: 5-10 days
  • Canada: 5-10 days
  • Asia: 8-15 days
  • Australia: 7-12 days
  • Rest of the World: 8-14 days

Orders placed before 3pm Monday to Friday will be dispatched on the same day. Orders made on Saturday and Sunday will be dispatched on the following Monday.

The shipping cost is FREE worldwide.